Thursday, June 21, 2012


There is a story told of a scholar who used to have a favorite room where he would sit and think and write. As he would open his window for fresh air and sunlight, members of the world of nature would visit him: butterflies, beetles and other insects.

On one occasion a bee flew into his room. The bee was causing no harm to anybody as it hummed around. When it was time for the scholar to leave he knew that if he closed up his room and returned some days later the bee would be dead. So he opened the window wide and tried to guide the bee out through the open window. The more he tried to encourage this little creature to leave his room the more hostile the bee became. In an unguarded moment the bee stung him on his hand, the hand that would have guided it to freedom. The disabled bee flew off and landed on the light-shade.

The scholar did not have feelings of anger but only of pity. He knew the inevitable result. The bee would die for its mistaken opposition to him who was his friend. Three days later when he returned to his room he found the lifeless body of the bee on his writing table.

Are we any different from the unwise bee?


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It takes a level of humility to accept criticism. Even when we know it is justified. Our pride gets in the way. When we are criticized in a spirit of love and concern it makes it easier to accept criticism. Unfortunately this does not happen often enough.

We should not only listen to what is being said but also hear what is being said. There is a difference. There may be some truth in it. Never get angry with the person doing the criticizing.

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7 Ways to Live Life to the MAX,  Copyright © Dennis R Curyer, 2003

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