Friday, June 29, 2012


They were tired of fighting with other government officials, especially those that weren't even supposed to bother them as they performed their duties honorably. They believed in the truth, and only the truth. Two people from two different communities, different parties, different backgrounds. Yet, with all the numerous differences they had, they were best of friends. The Ministry of Internal Security is probably the only ministry where there existed harmonious working environment. No one wanted to prove they had more or bigger balls than the other. 

They were two men with a few things in common. They both had only one son each, adopted or not. To both, only one child called them "dad". They believed in doing what was/is right-or did they? They were fighting the numerous enemies of our state together, the terrorists, drug lords, thugs, petty offenders. But someone wasn't happy because they were doing so well, and they got wind of it all, that someone was planning to assassinate them, or turn them into vegetables. They were cowards, they could not wait for the enemy, so they decided to kill themselves. But how?

All that is bull-shit. This is what I am saying. People have spoken. Others have gone unusually silent. And  all these should be probed.

Eugene Wamalwa said a lot a day after the two died. He mentioned the way the two had plans to attend various functions together. He seemed to know about every step they were gonna take soon as they left the conference in Mombasa. he even knew they were to go to a fund raising together and were to use a chopper. Can he be questioned more to find out what else he knew, and whom he shared the info with?

Shebesh seems to be convinced that she has info related to the crush that would shut the government down if revealed. SHUT THE GOVERNMENT DOWN? MY GOD! Shebesh, for God's sake, do us that lovely favour. Shut this rotten thing down for us now!

Jakoyo Midiwo knows something we don't. 

Mike Sonko has some information about the crush.

Harun Mwau is knowledgeable. I mean, he is in the know about some planned assassination.

Uhuru Kenyatta is unusually silent. It is like he isn't even aware of Saitoti and Ojodeh's deaths.

William Ruto decided to shut that out of his very good memory. It is nothing worth talking about.

The theories are many. There is a politically istigated assassination, drug lord power, accident, now suicide. Only one of them is true.


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