Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Truth be told, nothing sounds correct about the "Mt. Kenya Choppers."  Not one statement is honestly honest, except maybe the one from the guys in Kampala that they will "NOT divulge more information about the choppers or the entire incident." Well, many questions will remain unanswered then, don't you think?

For example:
  1. Where did the choppers start their journey?
  2. Who were the occupants? I mean, pilots, passengers, others.
  3. What route were they supposed to follow?
  4. Where was their destination?
  5. Were they supposed also to fly over Mt. Kenya?
  6. Were the occupants really meant to go back home alive?
  7. Were they meant to die?
  8. What happens if they never went back home alive?
  9. Who would be the greatest beneficiary(ies)?
  10. Is there any compensation for soldiers who die in war?
  11. Is there compensation for artillery destroyed in war?
  12. Can we consider that these choppers and their occupants were at war?
  13. How old were these choppers, really?
  14. Had they ever been serviced in preparation for such long distance trips and for war?
  15. How is it that four choppers could all be pulled down at one spot?
  16. Does M7 feel at loss at all?
  17. Does M7 think that he's suppossed to get compensation from AMISON or anywhere else?
  18. How strongly will M7 demand for compensation?
  19. Was all this a fallacy? I mean the crush.
  20. Who is really behind all this?
  21. Shall we ever know the real truth? 
Those are my 21 Questions.

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