Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I look at our leaders everyday, bickering and bickering, and am left sad, angry, very angry. The last few days have seen hundreds (or are you naive/dumb enough to believe that fifty-something number given by the government?) of people murdered in cold blood, all in the name of politics. People high in government are hungry for power, and will do anything, everything, to make sure they get that power; even condemning little children to death by burning in fire beyond recognition, while in their sleep.  Men and women have been slaughtered like chicken, and so were their chicken and cows. It is heart wrenching.

And in my opinion, no one is doing anything substantial to prevent this. All they seem to be specialized in is giving that common idiotic speech of "blah blah blah...I condemn blah-blah act in the strongest terms possible...blah-blah-blah. The government is blah-blah-blah.... nonsense, nonsense!"

Will someone do something NOW?!

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